Metrocast Italiana headquartes and production plant are located in:

Metrocast Italiana S.p.A.
Via Valtrompia, 121
25063 Gardone V.T. (Brescia) Italia
telefono:+39 030 831437
telefax: +39 030 8911166

How to reach our plant:
In Milano you have to get on the A4 highway, direction "VENEZIA".
Driving from Milano, leave the A4 highway at the "OSPITALETTO" exit. Immediatly off the highway, follow the road sign for "CONCESIO-LUMEZZANE". Keep to this road for about 13 Km and, passed two tunnels, you will arrive at Concesio. At the lights turn left following the sign to "GARDONE V.T." and get on the road SS 345. Keep to this road for about 12 Km and go beyond Gardone V.T. centre; on your left you will find Metrocast Italiana works.


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Home Page

Metrocast Italiana SpA - Via Valtrompia, 121 - 25063 GARDONE V.T. (Brescia) Italy - Tel. +39.030.831437 - Fax +39.030.8911166
E-mail: - P.IVA 00552020984 - C.F. 00297700171 - Capitale sociale i.v. euro 600.000 - REA: 159722