When performed by experienced casting specialists, investment castings offers a combination of features which can translate to cost-saving benefits:

  • DESIGN FREEDOM Limitations to design are very few. Investment casting process is capable of producing parts with complex holes, slots, lettering, bevels. Anyhow, it is always recommended to ask our engineers for Metrocast Italiana designing guide.
  • WIDE CHOICE OF ALLOY Metrocast Italiana can cast any different kind of ferrous air-meltable alloys (carbon and low alloy steels, tool steels, 300 and 400 series, stainless steels, precipitation hardened steels, high nickel alloys, high cobalt alloys, electrical/magnetic). Besides the steels codified by international standards, our equipments allow us to cast alloys developed on purpose for customers' special requirements.
  • REDUCE PRODUCTION COSTS Costly machining operations are reduced because of the high geometrical complexity and tight tolerances that can be reached with investment casting. In many cases the casting is ready to be assembled as it is. This can lead to a significant cost reduction.
  • CLOSE TOLERANCES AND FINE DETAILS Close dimensional tolerances are possible with investment castings. The best tolerance range is ±0,5% of nominal dimension, with a minimum of ± 0,1 mm for the dimensions less than 15 mm.
  • CUT TOOLING COSTS Metrocast Italiana investment casting tooling is usually much less expensive than tooling for other casting methods.
  • PRODUCTION VOLUMES FLEXIBILITY Because of the felxibility of its organization, Metrocast Italiana can produce batches which varies from an annual quantity of 500 parts to an annual quantity of 200,000 parts or more.

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Metrocast Italiana SpA - Via Valtrompia, 121 - 25063 GARDONE V.T. (Brescia) Italy - Tel. +39.030.831437 - Fax +39.030.8911166
E-mail: info@metrocast.it - P.IVA 00552020984 - C.F. 00297700171 - Capitale sociale i.v. euro 600.000 - REA: 159722